Friday, February 2, 2007

Me and My Guys

As requested, here are pictures of the three of us.

January 1, 2006: You can't see Luke, but he's there. I am 32 weeks pregnant. This is at the shower Adam's school had for us, which is why we are standing in a library.

March 5, 2006: Whoa Baby! I am 5 days away from my due date, but only have two days to go. At the time I didn't think I was that big. However, the picture shows I was HUGE!

March 26, 2006: Luke is 2 1/2 weeks old. It is Luke's first time to visit Grandpa D and Grandma D's house (Adam's dad and Adam's dad's wife). Grandma D and Oma (Grandma D's mother) made this lovely quilt for Luke to play and have tummy time on.

Okay, I have to confess, there are pictures of the three of us in the hospital, but nobody needs to see those. I am not one of those women who looks human after spending 13 1/2 hours in labor, 2 1/2 of which were pushing out a 9lb 3oz child.

April 23, 2006: This is our first family portrait. Luke is 6 1/2 weeks old. He is wearing his "coming home" outfit. He is so tiny and handsome! It's not a great picture of Adam, but Luke's hands were covering his face in the only picture in which Adam's eyes were completely open.

Sadly, that is the last picture of the three of us together, unless you count awkward snapshots where no one is looking at the camera. Actually, we do have some that were taken professionally, but I don't have digital copies of them.


Anonymous said...

Aight, so....give Granny the camera and tell her to get fun pictures of y'all in out in the yard fort or something. Or scan the pictures you have (and you could always send me one of those, you know!!) But you can wait till after your surgery, I guess. =]

(I know...demanding much?) I love you!

Rebecca said...

Thank you! You are very accommodating.

Over 9 lbs?? Wow! I guess they grow 'em bigger in Texas =)

christianne said...

Great pictures! Adam seems like a sweet guy. I'm so glad God brought you two together! You'll have to do a blog post on how you met. Enquiring minds want to know. :)

By the way, this is random but I have the same pink-and-maroon-and-yellow striped blouse you are wearing in one of those pictures! Ah, how long it has been since I have stepped foot inside a Gap store. Gaining weight after marriage is no fun!

kirsten said...

LOVE these photos!! Thanks for sharing. You are such an adorable family! :o)

Christin said...

Lisa - you're beginning to sound like a teenager! I am going to talk to my photographer friend and ask her permission to put her pictures up. She'll probably give me the digital copies. But, give me a couple weeks. Patience, my friend.

Rebecca - I don't intend to let the next one get so big. Nine pound babies are no fun to get out.

Christianne - Yea! I am so glad to hear from you. I have been enjoying your blog. How funny that we have the same sweater. I know what you mean about gaining weight after marriage, too. It's hard to eat responsibly when the man you love tells you how beautiful you are every day, even when you know you are not looking so hot.