Thursday, February 22, 2007

Another New Link

If you have not heard of the NET Bible (New English Translation), check it out. Because language is a living and evolving thing, it is good to have new Bible translations every 10 years or so. The NET Bible is a recent Bible translation. I think it is wonderful. It uses modern English, but is a close literal translation from the original languages. It was started by a group of people (many of them professors at DTS) who believed that people should not have to pay for the Word of God. Did you know that before the NET, there wasn't an English version of the Bible on the internet in its entirety. Copyright laws wouldn't allow such a thing. So, these people undertook their own translation so that they could put it on the internet to be accessed by all people free of charge. You can buy a bound copy, but the Word of God is free online.

I like it so much because the language flows in my mind. It is not as poetic as the King James, but it is easy to understand. In addition, whenever they translate a phrase is an updated way, or a way that may not be word for word from the original language, there is a footnote telling the word for word interpretation and the way many of the other English versions translate it. So, you get the best of both worlds. It also has great study notes.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Awesome! I hadn't even heard of this translation, but I'm definitely going to check it out. I appreciate that notes you mentioned that point out areas that were paraphrased and still offer the original word-for-word.