Thanks for the tag, Christianne! This was fun.
1. I don’t chew gum, because I have recurring nightmares about gum. I dream that I am done with my gum. I try to spit it out, but it is stuck in my teeth. At this point I reach in to pull it out. I pull out a glob, thinking it is gone, only to find that there is more stuck between my teeth. So, I reach back in and pull, and pull, and pull, and pull…
2. While in seminary, mostly because she told me I could never lie to her convincingly, I stole Lisa Jones’ remote control. She had entrusted me with a key to her apartment. I dropped by one day when I knew she would not be there, slipped in, and took it. She asked me about it the next day at school. I told her I did not have her remote, technically not a lie. I had already placed it in the mail, and it was on its way back to her. She spend the next day or two searching through her apartment, convinced that I had not taken it.
3. I enjoy cooking. I especially enjoy making bread - maybe because I love eating bread. My bread does not always turn out great, but I am learning.
4. I nearly drowned in my Grandparents’ pool when I was little. It was early in the morning. I was playing on the pool steps. My brother was playing in the deep end of the pool. I was on the last step, but thought I had one more to go. I stepped off and went under. I remember trying my hardest to get to the surface, but I was going nowhere. My mother was sitting on the side of the pool, but her attention was elsewhere at the moment. She looked back to find me paddling away and going nowhere beneath the surface. In somewhat of a panic, she began pulling off her robe. My dad yelled at her from across the yard, “Don’t worry about your clothes! Get in and get her!” Mom jumped in, nightgown, robe, house shoes, and all. I was never so glad to feel her arms swoop me up. Perhaps this is why I don’t like putting my head under water.
5. I cannot whistle. Nor can I roll my tongue.
6. I have never changed my hair color – no dye, no bleach, not even the wash out in a few days kind.
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